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The Dental Laboratory Jose Ribagorda offers him the services and the work of his personnel in order that they we serve as basic tools in the practical application of his daily work.
The technologies in mobile prothesis, hinge and orthodontics, are directed by Jose Ribagorda, who for his prestige and dental culture, constitutes the support on which there rests the whole technological relevancy of the Dental Laboratory Jose Ribagorda.

The activity of the Laboratory Protesico Dental Jose Ribagorda has been characterized by a way of being, a desire and an illusion: the need to improve the health dental opening of the patient, for which is imposed with impetus a narrow collaboration DENTAL CLINIC - LABORATORY. For it, the Laboratory Protesico Dental Jose Ribagorda offers a human equipment capable of solving all the technical problems, a few technologically advanced facilities as well as a rapid service and a personalized treatment.

The mistakes of inexpert hands drive to numerous failures in different protésicas solutions. Only the experience and quality they can support the success of his treatments odontoprotésicos; this one is the guarantee, close to a good number of odontoestomatólogos that already trust in the Laboratory Protesico Dental Jose Ribagorda.

The subscription to numerous specializing magazines and the assistance to multiple courses and congresses, they guarantee our professional update; as well as the meticulous selection of highly qualified personnel the correct solution assures to the problems that they appear to diary in the consultation, always having in mind a primary target: the satisfaction of our clients.

The Laboratory Protesico Dental Jose Ribagorda is characterized to fulfill all the indispensable legal requirements for the installation of a dental laboratory. Today there are made indispensable possess the licenses that they enable as manufacturer of sanitary products to measurement, record as sanitary center as well as municipal license, all of them due headed by the corresponding qualifications or professional fitting out.
A telephonic receipt improves the communication clinic - laboratory in the resolution of every specific situation, as well as the management of invoicing, which adapts to the intrinsic characteristics of every client.
We want to continue constructing the future in which you and his equipment continues trusting in our laboratory endorsed by our experience throughout these years, being our main objective, that the patients remain totally satisfied.

In order that the sanitary products to measurement (dental protheses) have an identical quality to the in force legislation, the dental clinics should send his orders to dental Laboratories in possession of the licenses as manufacturers of sanitary products to measurement (dental protheses) and whose holders should be collegiate. Jose Ribagorda is the collegiate number 6 of Protésicos Dental of Castilla la Mancha (Spain).

The dental laboratories are submitted to the Real Decree 414/1996 and to the board 93/42 of the EC. These procedure establish a series of requirements and obligations that have to fulfill the laboratories of dental protheses since it is obligatory " DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY " and the etiquette identificativa of the sanitary product to measurement (dental prothesis), of community character in altars of preserving the Public Health and that of the consumer - patient.


The labor experience of Jose Ribagorda Obadía goes back to years 60 and begins in Casablanca (Morocco). In 1.973 he comes to Madrid, working for the laboratories Gibert, Fernando Villa. From 1.978 he cofounds COPRODEMA (Cooperative of Dental Prothesis of Madrid), where there develops teacher's task of Workshop, The Director Technical and Responsible for the different training courses. His educational labor has been recognized in other laboratories (1.981-1.986), in the Union of Protésicos's cooperative societies of Madrid (1986) and in the Center Andrés Bartolomé Una (1.987), I centre collaborator of the INEM.

Jose Ribagorda Obadía has collaborated in different magazines specialized with technical articles on millings and implants in the precision mechanics.

From it 1.988 is constituted as autonomous businessman in the Community of Madrid and in 1994 he moves his Social Headquarters to Seseña (Toledo), with the name of Laboratory Dental Protésico J. Ribagorda S.L.

From always, this laboratory has wanted to be present in all the professional events relating to his activity: conferences, courses of all kinds, and he sits a great restlessness for the enormous technological advances that are taking produced.

In the course of this year one has attended a Masters "Concepts of I diagnose in Oral Rehabilitation and Biological Occlusion" and "Precision Implantologia and Cera'mica with Estereoscopico Microscope

Nowadays he gives courses to odontologists and estomatólogos in collaboration with the Eckermann company on the different systematic from protésicos components in implantalogía, specializing in planning and construction of all kinds of prothesis implantosoportadas.
Jose Ribagorda Obadía has been present, between great others, at the following courses and congresses:


José Ribagorda
José Ribagorda
and Technic









  • "Technique du bridge au pyroplast et technique du montage biocop", "Technology of shaped ceramic Kerascop", "Prothesis completes and partially according to method biogenic", "Technology of application of aesthetic fronts Isostit", "Technology of shaped gnatológico", "Ceramics on metal Vivodent-Pe", of the company IVOCLAR.
  • "Technique rationelle of fraisage in prothese dentaire" of CENDRES ET METAUX, S.A Biel (Switzerland).
  • "Technology of ceramic application" of VITA ZAHN FABRIKE. Badsackingen (Germany).
  • "Prothesis metallic of chrome - cobalt" of DENTAURUM. Phorzeim (Germany).
  • "Moncone Parallelizzabile" given by the teacher MANGANO VENINI. As (Italy).
  • "Shaped Gnatológico" given by the teacher PETER K. THOMAS of the University of California. Madrid.
  • "Technology of assembly of atache", of CEKA, Madrid.
  • "Anchorages, wreaths, millings", of FALOR, Barcelona.
  • Course of EMPRES II. IVOCAR.



  • Congressman in the First European Congress of Dental Prothesis of Paris in 1.983.
  • Participation in Scientific Days of Dental Prothesis. SOPRODEN.
  • Congressman of the Congress SEI, Barcelona 1.994.

Jose Ribagorda Obadía takes part in several societies and organisms:

  • Member of SOPRODEN (Society for the Promotion and development of Dental Prothesis)
  • Member collaborator of the SEI (Spanish Society of Implants)
  • Member of GEOBE (Group of Study of the Biological Occlusion of Spain)
  • Member of the Technological Dental Club


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